preparatory ensemble

The Linda Luebke Strings Festival is over for 2020, but it’s never too late to learn and have fun!
You can find all of our wonderful lessons below. Please email if you have any questions!

The Preparatory Ensemble is for students just starting their adventure with string playing. We will focus on getting to know our instrument, developing a balanced posture, solidifying fundamental techniques like bow hand shape, and creating a beautiful tone. Classes will include exercises and games that help to reinforce these ideas both with the instrument and without. By the end of this festival, our members will be able to perform our first tunes with beautiful posture, bow hand shape, and a big tone.

The Moxie Strings

Join The Moxie Strings as you learn new songs, improvisation, and having fun playing music!

Linda Luebke Strings Festival Bue Team | Video 1Students will learn 'Part A' of the tune's melody.

Students will review Part A of the tune, and learn Part B.

Students will review both parts of the tune, and learn the arrangement for performance.

Students will play the tune multiple times, gradually increasing tempo.

Students will play the tune multiple times, gradually increasing tempo.

Students will continue improvisation concepts through a guided activity.

Ensemble Lesson

Our incredible faculty has a four-part class just for you! We recommend watching one lesson per week, and be sure to practice!

Welcome to the 2020 Linda Luebke Strings Festival!The Preparatory Ensemble is for students just starting their adventure with string playing. In our first Pr...

Welcome back to the 2020 Linda Luebke Strings Festival! The Preparatory Ensemble is for students just starting their adventure with string playing. In this l...

Welcome back to the 2020 Linda Luebke Strings Festival!The Preparatory Ensemble is for students just starting their adventure with string playing.In our 3rd ...

Welcome back to the 2020 Linda Luebke Strings Festival!The Preparatory Ensemble is for students just starting their adventure with string playing.In the fina...

Composer Spotlight

Composer Lauren Bernofsky is here to tell you all about her life as a professional composer.

This week we have a special treat. Composer Lauren Bernofsky is here to tell you all about her life as a professional composer. Watch with friends, family, o...


Thank you so very much for watching the lessons from this year’s Linda Luebke Strings Festival.

We will be back in 2021! If you haven’t already, please sign up for the festival newsletter to receive more information as next year’s festival approaches. We hope to see you soon, and keep having fun loving music!